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Baby Sign Language: First Baby Signs

Signing for babies is very rewarding and fun, but every parent wants to know which signs are the best to start with.           The most common sign that parents, who are not taking classes, choose to start signing is MORE. Be aware-vague signs like MORE might be confusing and ineffective for babies, as they are seen in a variety of contexts, and can produce different results in each different context. For

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Dialogue in Silence

Baby Sign Language is not only about a few signs that you can learn and then teach your child. That is what I learned on my recent trip overseas, to my homeland, Israel. During my visit, I visited a fascinating children museum exhibit! The walls were monochromatic. The rooms were bare and sparsely furnished. Our museum guide was completely silent. Sign Language and a museum?! What do they have to do with

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Baby Sign Language: First Baby Signs

Signing for babies is very rewarding and fun, but every parent wants to know which signs are the best to start with.           The most common sign that parents, who are not taking classes, choose to start signing is MORE. Be aware-vague signs like MORE might be confusing and ineffective for babies, as they are seen in a variety of contexts, and can produce different results in each different context. For

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