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You are My SignShine! The Book

How to use Visual Language to Help Hearing Babies & Children Connect with their World. After many months (and long nights) of writing, editing, and interviewing many of SignShine’s signing moms and dads, smiling for dictionary pictures, perfecting facial expressions on signing illustrations, and working closely with the amazing publishers and designers I am proud to announce: My first book:    You are My SignShine!                         How

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You are My SignShine! The Book

How to use Visual Language to Help Hearing Babies & Children Connect with their World. After many months (and long nights) of writing, editing, and interviewing many of SignShine’s signing moms and dads, smiling for dictionary pictures, perfecting facial expressions on signing illustrations, and working closely with the amazing publishers and designers I am proud to announce: My first book:    You are My SignShine!                         How

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