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I am a Guest at Not Your Mother’s Podcast

Etel Leit Reveles what Word you Should Not Teach Your Child A hot topic in the parenting world right now is baby sign language. And a hot podcast for parents is “Not Your Mother’s Podcast”. So, it only seems fitting that SignShine owner, Etel Leit, meets with podcast hosts Sonnet and Veronica for some mom talk and to discuss all things baby sign language! What

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I am a Guest at Not Your Mother’s Podcast

Etel Leit Reveles what Word you Should Not Teach Your Child A hot topic in the parenting world right now is baby sign language. And a hot podcast for parents is “Not Your Mother’s Podcast”. So, it only seems fitting that SignShine owner, Etel Leit, meets with podcast hosts Sonnet and Veronica for some mom talk and to discuss all things baby sign language! What

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