4 Tips to Help Moms and Kids Get Back to In-person Communication

Mommy and me classes for facing anxious feelings after the pandemic

Anxiety about Face-to-Face Communication after the Pandemic

Is your baby feeling anxious about going to school after spending almost a year at home? Are you worried about their emotional status when you think about separate from them and started to have panic feelings? No worries, these feelings are completely normal for being a human.

With the gradual success of the fight against the epidemic, life has finally begun to return to normal, except for masks. As more and more people get vaccinated, we can feel the vitality in the air. The return to everyday life and social activities should have been exciting, but instead, I felt an unusual amount of anxiety and unease about face-to-face communication. Do you and your children feel this way? Here are four tips to help you and your kids relieve the feelings.

4 Tips for You and Your Children Transitioning Back to Normal Life

1. Coping strategies for yourselves: Most of the child’s behavior patterns are modeled by the parents’ behavior. Therefore, before you’re trying to help your children, you must learn to manage and regulate your own emotions. Several coping strategies of stress management are necessary when experiencing anxious feelings and having problems coping with them. 

2. Talk to your child about their feelings: communication is one of the essential things in family relationships, whether before, during, or after the pandemic. Providing an ear to your child’s concerns and communicating with them can help release anxious feelings and understand the central issue of the problem. 

3. Provide support: be supportive and show your child that you are there for them. Provide them with space for free expression and allow them to solve their problems in their way. Do not give orders; instead, provide helpful feedback when your kids ask you for suggestions to show respect and understanding of their problems. 

4. Face the emotions and fears with your child together: sometimes, children may have difficulty expressing and positively dealing with their worries and fears toward sudden changes for young children. In this case, returning to everyday life could be the situation that inflicts this situation. Therefore, help them find words to express their feeling and working together to find a workable solution could help them release stress. Good ways for you to encourage your children to talk about their feeling is through daily activities, like storytelling, playing, etc.           

I hope these few tips will help you and your child develop better-coping skills in stress management for the following social circumstances. To be remembered, patience is considered to be one of the most important things when you are interacting with your children.

Do you still feel anxious about the situation you are in? We love to help you with that. Feel free to visit and join our Mommy and Me classes to learn more about programs that can provide you better direction to build a strong relationship with your baby. Please visit the following website to learn more: Online classes & Our upcoming classes.

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