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What’s the Most Loving Language?

Have you heard of thelove languages? According to Gary Chapman there are 5 of them: Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Receiving Gifts, Quality Time, and Physical Touch. The idea behind them is that we all give and receive love in different ways. The thing is we tend to give love in the manner in which we receive it best. But the conundrum is that

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Can Signing Assist with Potty Training?

The simple answer is YES! As summer nears it’s end, and baby has to put more clothing on. What a great time to begin POTTY training! Three signs your little one is ready to begin potty training: – S/he is exhibiting BODY Awareness – S/he has a desire to be CLEAN – S/he is able to use the POTTY independently Even before your baby is

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What Do You Remember?

Learning = Experiencing How do you learn a new concept? A new idea? A new Word? Do you have to write it down in a list? Do you just have to see it once visually? Do you have to explain to another person? Are you signing a tune to it? We are all different in learning, but we all benefit from the same idea. The

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Is Dad a Buffoon?

Washington Post reporter Katherine Shaver says Father’s Day cards showing dad as a buffoon are not reflective of the diligence of the fathers of today. We have all seen them, most likely even laughed at them, cards showing Dad as an ignorant, “beer-obsessed, tool-challenged buffoon who would rather hog the TV remote, go fishing or play golf than be with the kids.” Maybe your kids

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