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10 Reasons to Laugh Every Day

Laugh not only on April Fools Day Think about the recent time you laughed. I mean I laughed from the belly. Laughed with your body, letting go of everything you think, and just enjoyed the moment. I am sure you felt released, unjudge, and free from any prior worries of life, even for a minute or two.  Think about this moment. Who made you laugh?

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I Was in Jail. Again

How Alcoholism Affects Parenting Saturday morning. I snooze the alarm and crawl out of bed. Jail time. Again. It’s my second time visiting the Lynwood Women’s Jail. It took me another security clearance from the sheriff, but here I am again: I am on my way to jail. Today, I get the chance to speak with more than hundred of women inmates. I start to doubt myself, what do

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Mother. Mom. Mama. Imma. Emmona

One MOM, All over the World Whether it is your first, second, or fifth Mother’s Day –today we celebrate you! Moms from all over the world, we celebrate with you Mother’s Day! Do you know how to say MOTHER in other langauges? Here we gathered SignShine’s moms to teach you how to say MOTHER in many world langauges as well as baby sign language: Spanish – Mama

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How to Adjust to Daylight Savings Time

New Routine with a Baby It is this time of the year again! Longer days and more sunlight are on their way! A reminder that although we will be missing an hour of sleep, to set your alarms one hour ahead and be aware of the time change on March 10th. This can be a challenging day not only for adults but also for our

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30 Day Ab Challenge

Can you Get Abs in 30 Days? It’s time to confess. 🙏🏻It’s winter. The bathing suit is in the closet. 👙And my abs are ……. 😑🤦🏻‍♀️This is the time for #30DayAbChallenge !Only 6 minutes a day. Who is joining? 💪🏼I use the app: Abs Workout!Get ready! Only 5 minutes a day. And the BEST part? We will do it TOGETHER! 👫 Take a picture of

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President Day or Presidents’ Day?

2 Things You didn’t Know about Presidnet Day Weekend Are you ready for a long, fun, relaxing President Day Weekend? How are you going to spend this weekend? By finding what you love on a special President Day Sale? Or are you just enjoying the three days weekend off with your family and friends? Here is the sign for President in ALS American Sign language. 

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