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Step by Step to Creating Gratitude Hand with your Child

How to Discuss Gratitude with you Child in a Creative Way Enjoy this fun, easy and meaningful art with your child. This fun project can be a table center for Thanksgiving Meal. What is more meaningful than something that you created with you child? Like any art project, the goal is not only abotu making the hands, it is more abotu the proecess of creating

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Knock knock, who’s there?!… November!

5 Simple Ways to Stay Shiney before the Holidays Knock knock, who’s there… November! The holidays are staring us in the face. I’ll admit, this time of year is my favorite time of year. I love going to the parties, hosting parties, seeing everyone dressed up, getting to see friends and family that I may not have seen in a while, and the FOOD, so

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You are My SignShine! The Book

How to use Visual Language to Help Hearing Babies & Children Connect with their World. After many months (and long nights) of writing, editing, and interviewing many of SignShine’s signing moms and dads, smiling for dictionary pictures, perfecting facial expressions on signing illustrations, and working closely with the amazing publishers and designers I am proud to announce: My first book:    You are My SignShine!                         How

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You are My SignShine! The Book

How to use Visual Language to Help Hearing Babies & Children Connect with their World. After many months (and long nights) of writing, editing, and interviewing many of SignShine’s signing moms and dads, smiling for dictionary pictures, perfecting facial expressions on signing illustrations, and working closely with the amazing publishers and designers I am proud to announce: My first book:    You are My SignShine!                         How

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Why DAD is The MAN~

You meet, you’re infatuated, you’re in love, you get married. And then you get pregnant, and now the man beside you steps up in ways that you could not have foreseen. He loves you and your little one in ways you couldn’t have imagined. Here are a few reasons we agree with you… DAD is the MAN! He is not afraid to try something new~

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