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3 Ways “Baby Talk” Improves Emotional State with Your Infant

Many first-time parents ask me: “how should I talk to my infant to heighten their interest and curiosity during interactions?”. In fact, developmental psychologists have asked the same questions and have found that parents universally use infant-directed speech due to its inviting and intriguing speech qualities. It also has a myriad of advantageous qualities that will be touched on. Moreover, it is critical that parents

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Teach your Baby to Sign Songs

Teaching your baby to sign songs is easy. I know you know it already. Do you know how to sing and sign “The Itsy Bitsy Spider”. If you are a mom or dad, probably yes. Singing to our babies is almost second nature to cradle your baby close and coo in that sing-song voice about how beautiful they are, and how much you love them! Why do we instinctively sing and

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The Secret to Parenting During Quarantine

6 Simple Tools to Teach Your Child to Be Resiliant Whether you are stay-at-home mom, or dad, a working parent, or a business owner, this Coronavirus time has changed the way you parent your children. As we face this new reality, I am sure you have constant questions, like many parents. New routines, screen time, balancing work and home, homeschooling, new hygiene procedures, and virtual

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What is The Most Important Skill to Have During Quarantine?

Communication: The Vital Key for Effective Living In this time of social distancing, quarantine, and adapting to a new reality, you probably have a window of opportunity that allows you to reflect, self-discovery, and master fundamental life skills unlike before. Being cooped inside and distant from your friends and family has probably tested your patience levels, your organizational abilities, and maybe even enhanced your problem-solving

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