Choose or Lose

How choices can help you and your little one.

Imagine this. It is a peaceful morning. Yes peaceful! The toddler is fed, changed, and playing happily. Then it is time for your first outing of the day.  You must get to a certain place by 9:30, and suddenly, your peaceful morning is in the throes of resistance and difficulty. You have two choices. Choices. Choices give you some control over the situation. The same is true for your toddler.

Present two choices and let your little one decide.

As with many of the topics we have discussed within our pages of Internet communication and parenting advice, clearly communicating with your little one leads to many beautiful moments of peace. Much like the morning we mentioned above. The routines were in place, your child knew what was coming and that those activities are done every morning with little variation, that errand however changed the game.

So how do you help your child feel the sense of control and safety that comes with a routine in life’s insistent and enjoyable variations? GIVE CHOICES!

Choices have many benefits: helping your little one feel in control, preparing him or her for the onslaught of choices we all face daily from the grocery store to the coffee counter, and preparing him or her for the understanding that with choices there exists consequences. The last lesson comes in time so be patient.

How to give your little on choices:

Give 2 Choices: Two choices will help your little one feel in control without feeling overwhelmed. Which leads to accomplishing your tasks with less opposition while preparing your little one for the power of decisiveness. 

Be Congruent: Ensure both choices get you to your goal. As Dr. Laura Markham suggests keep choices simple. “We have to leave now. Do you want to put on your shoes yourself or do you want me to put them on for you?”

Validation Goes a Long Way: Validate how your little one is feeling. Little ones, just like us, are more apt to move on when someone expresses understanding of their issue or feelings. Acknowledge what your little one is feeling or wanting to do and then present options on compromise.

Tweet @ask_etel or tag @SignShine on FaceBook to let us know how using choices helps your daily joys with your cutie. We love to hear!