Did You Feel That Shake

The Earthquake Shook My Gratitude

Did you feel that?! Last night many of us were woken up by a shock– or rather a SHAKE. It has been some time since Angelenos have felt an earthquake of that magnitude. 4.4 to be exact. 2008 was the last time that things were shaken up that much.

By CNN the quake, centered about 6 miles north-northwest of Westwood and about 15 miles northwest of downtown Los Angeles and happened at 6:25 a.m., the U.S. Geological Survey said.

Did the earthquake wake you up, or were you awake? Did your kids wake up? It was surely scary episode, which made me, and other moms I talked with today, have gratitude for our lives, for our famillies, and for everything else we already have.

Today, I am very grateful that no harm came to any soul, or any real property damage. I am inviting you to count your blessings today. Among my blessings are my two children, who for 10-12 seconds felt like me, dependant on the mercy of nature.

We’d love to hear what your earthquake experience was, and how you communicated to your kids what was happening. Shout it out to us on SignShine’s® Twitter @ask_etel or SignShine’s® Facebook!

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