How to be an Effective Learner?

What is the most effective way that you learn? Is it by teaching your little one how to sign or by looking at videos teaching signing? Do you remember more if someone speaks to you for a few hours at a sign language conference or when your family discusses why it is important to have routines? 

Being aware of how you and your baby prefer to learn new things can create a better learning experience for both of you. The pyramid shows the effectiveness of each method of learning. Most people aren\’t aware that the most effective way to learn is by teaching others. In order to teach others, you must first learn the material yourself and know enough about the topic to explain to another person. In order to sign   Happy New Year, you must know each part of the phrase and know that you are able to put it all together to create a different meaning (a celebration of January 1st) than just happy, new, and year separately. 

So make it your New Year\’s Resolution to teach your little one the signs that you know! Take the time to experiment with which method your child prefers, whether it is by teaching a sibling, discussing the sign, or by practicing the sign repeatedly. Some babies like learning from watching videos on SignShine\’s app while others prefer learning by demonstrating to their grandparents.

Let me know which section of the learning pyramid you prefer! 

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