I Love My Work, You Can Too

“Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life.”

  • Do you want to love your work?
  • Do you want to love going into work every day?
  • Do you want to be your own boss?

If you said YES to any of these, think about becoming a SignShine Certified Instructor!

 Work should be something that you really enjoy. Since it is likely that you will be spending years (if not your entire working career) in this field of work, it is better to be doing something that you are excited about–that challenges you and rewards you–than something that you dread doing every morning. Even though people sometimes remind me that I work too much, or too hard, I don\’t see what I\’m doing as work. Having a chance to pursue what I\’m passionate about and getting to interact with such great families brings a lot of joy into my life.

 Babies and families, I\’ve found, are extremely gratifying to work with. Parents are usually very excited to bond and spend time with their babies and babies are excited to do fun and silly things. My career as a sign language and parenting expert has been more rewarding that I could have possibly imagined. I have the opportunity to work with babies and families and be able to SEE the real changes I bring to their family life. I love working with them to strengthen their communication and to teach them about the benefits of early education, especially through sign language.

 Sign language is easy to learn–and easy to incorporate into your life. There are so many manuals, videos, and classes out there that can prepare you to be fluent in signing. With signing, so many possibilities are opened up. You could move to another field of work that is more communication-based. Or you could decide to teach baby sign language in your community! The possibilities are endless!

 Sign language is at the tip of your fingers! Don’t forget to:

  • Check out www.signshine.com to find signing classes near you.
  • Use www.babysignshine.com as a resource to learn more about sign language and babies.
  • Evaluate your work…and if you don’t love it,      consider trying something more rewarding, like teaching sign language to      babies through our Instructors’      Certification Program!
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