Is Dad a Buffoon?

Washington Post reporter Katherine Shaver says Father’s Day cards showing dad as a buffoon are not reflective of the diligence of the fathers of today.

We have all seen them, most likely even laughed at them, cards showing Dad as an ignorant, “beer-obsessed, tool-challenged buffoon who would rather hog the TV remote, go fishing or play golf than be with the kids.”

Maybe your kids are a bit cooler, Dad’s are more educated, or more emotionally evolved, but many of the Dad’s I know today are purposeful and intentional about spending quality time connecting with their offspring in meaningful ways.

Whatever the reason, if the Dad in your life or your kids’ life has stepped up to the plate, be sure to let Dad know how you feel about his sacrifices, diligence, and presence in your little one’s life.

Life is better together; let’s tell each other.

What’s your Father’s Day card really saying?

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