Is Sign Language Becoming Pop Culture?

YouTube videos like the Paul McCartney-composed “My Valentine,” performed by Natalie Portman and Johnny Depp, the Sean Berdy version of the song “Hero,” and the recent show on ABC Family, “Switched By Birth” are creating a lot of buzz and bringing attention to Sign Language. Viewers in the United States are exposed to sign language through popular songs and TV dramas. Millions of people in the world, who have never been introduced to this language, are learning about Sign Language from celebrities and famous figures on the big screen and through the media.
Is Sign Language becoming Pop Culture?
By definition, pop culture is “commercial culture based on popular taste.”
I am sure you will agree that with over 2.5 million viewers, videos like that of “My Valentine” constitute as an example of popular taste. Sign Language is the third most common language in the United States (yes, THIRD), as it is used not only by deaf people, but also by their family members, friends, teachers, and acquaintances. At this day and age, it is getting even more exposure from hearing mainstream media channels.

Signing becoming popularized in videos on YouTube and on TV is proof of how signing can help express the depth of emotionslike love, longing, and hope, just as it was expressed between two lovers in “My Valentine” and “Hero.” I believe that Sign Language is gaining prominence as much as other visual arts like Music and Dance – these are all are internationally expressive languages. Although it contains the word ‘language,’ Sign Language is not just a way to communicate between and among deaf people; it is also a tool for expression. I invite you to try something out with me. It will only take a few minutes, and you will understand the beauty of Sign Language! Are you ready to do a little experiment with me? If you haven’t watched one of the videos mentioned above on YouTube and do not know sign language, you can join us now. Otherwise, ask a friend or a family member who hasn’t watched them yet and does not know sign language to go along with the following directions.

1.    First, choose one of these songs: “My Valentine” or “Hero.” If you are watching “Hero,” make sure not to look at the words!

2.    Open them on YouTube.

3.    VERY IMPORTANT: Set the speakers on MUTE.

4.    Write down 3 feelings you feel while watching the video.

5.    Write down 4 words you think you understand, mostly repetitive words.

Isn’t this exercise fascinating? Even though there is no direct translation, I am sure you are able to understand a few wordseven without knowing sign language. You witnessed how both lovers expressed their love through sign language, even without the added element of being hearing the lyrics of the song!

From the way Natalie Portman uses her hands to sign, “my Valentine,” “one day the sun will shine,” and the way she signs, “days and nights pass by,” you can see how signing can bring grace and feeling to this song. By incorporating sign language into this video, it brings a new element to this song, making it even more popular! I bet that anyone around the world who has watched this video can easily understand the depth of this love song!                    Music, Dance, Acting, and Signing go Hand-in-Hand All universal feelings like Love, Anger, Hate or Sadness are always better understood through visual expressions. Feelings do not always need to be expressed through words–sometimes feelings can be best understood through visual arts. Even if there is a language barrier, music is always able to connect people all around the world! 
Like music, signing also breaks verbal language barriers! Signing is not simply meant for hard of hearing. It is a divine way of communication. Do you think that sign language should be taught in art schools just like music, dance and other visual

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