Kim K and Kate Middleton, What Do They Have In Common?

What do Kate and William & Kim Kardashian and Kanye West have in common? Not only are they love birds with their pictures on every magazine, but they are expecting parents, excited to meet their first bundle of joy! It seems as though pregnancy is a rising trend. 2013 is set to make Duchess Kate Middleton and Prince Charles new parents.  Jessica Simpson is expecting for the second time. Lisa Ling will be welcoming a baby girl, and Kristen Bell is a first time mommy too!! Plus Holly Madison, Shakira, and Beverly Mitchell to name a few more!

A common trend in baby bumps for the stars is that many are NEW mommies.  As a communication expert, I highly recommend to new parents that they begin to think about an effective way to communicate with their new baby. Early on, the only way for your little one to communicate he or she has a need is to cry. Baby Signing can quickly become a new parent’s best friend. It provides access to language before your babies fine motor skills develop. Signing for babies is no longer a fad, but rather a helpful tool for better communication. Signing creates magic between our kids and us. It  is the perfect tool to build communication while growing the parent-child bond for many highly busy first time parents.  

Signing is the perfect way to encourage family communication. Many of these stars are brand new mommies with busy lives. Just like you! Learning a practical and useful language can improve communication between all family members too. By creating opportunities to sit down and practice signs together during snack time or learning skills like eye contact and intentional communication. These skills will positively impact all of your family interactions as you learn more about communicating while learning sign. 

Every New Parents Woe

Every baby cries. Every baby communicates their need the same way at first. As new parents we all share that common bond, trying to figure out what your child is trying to tell you!  What does that cry mean? “Are you hungry? Is it diaper change time? Do you have a tummy ache? Do you feel well? Do you have an Ouchy?”

Fun Solution

Communication is the root to any relationship. In my past articles, we have discussed various aspects of sign language, and the importance of signing to our babies and children. Signing is a fun and simple way to encourage your baby or young child to communicate his or her needs. Let’s face it, as a new mom sometimes we are cranky and sleep deprived, we’ve all been there.  Our babies need a lot of things and don’t know how to communicate their need, so they cry.  Rather than becoming upset with your little bundle of joy teach your baby the signing basics to alleviate the crying and encourage communication.  Enjoy the journey!

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