Knock knock, who’s there?!… November!

5 Simple Ways to Stay Shiney before the Holidays

Knock knock, who’s there… November! The holidays are staring us in the face. I’ll admit, this time of year is my favorite time of year. I love going to the parties, hosting parties, seeing everyone dressed up, getting to see friends and family that I may not have seen in a while, and the FOOD, so much food. Since I have become a mom, it’s all about the presents for me, eight of them, I mean sixteen if you double them for two excited, curious loaded with elections children.

Although the holidays are a happy time, they can bring on a lot of stresses. Stressors of preparing the holiday meal(s), vegetarian, vegan or nut free. Being able to get presents for all of your loved ones, (Who doesn’t love presents?! They put on a smile on the biggest grumps’ faces), worrying about how to afford it all, getting along with your family members for an extended amount of time, and still being able to function and carry the so many hats we wear every day.

Remember, holiday season is not only about the few hours of the meal, the one evening, it is the season. Like cooking a meal, it is about the process, thinking about what to cook, buying the ingredients, preparing, cooking, tasting, adding spices, setting the table, and only then…. enjoying every bite.

I’m going to list 5 ways that you can enjoy, yes, enjoy, the days leading to Thanksgiving, Hanukkah or Christmas, all that good that the holidays bring with them while hopefully minimizing some of the overthinking and obsessing. Remember, your children will learn about the holidays not only from the food or the decorations, but mainly from the experience, and from what you do leading to the special day.

1. Plan, plan, plan. If you plan out what you need to get done and by what date, it will really help you be prepared in case of any last minute obstacles. It’s a little bit late in the game already, but it’s never too late to take an hour to make yourself a schedule.
2. RELAX. I know it can be hard to do on a regular day, if your days are getting busier, it can seem impossible. Remember, that you are important, and if you are stressed out, then your household will be feeling some of that negativity. Do your best to take 15 minutes each night to do something calming, whether it is having a cup of soothing tea, reading a chapter in your favorite book taking a bubble bath, do yoga, or just sitting down and letting it all flow away.
3. Get Support. This is the best time to lean on friends and trusted family members. No one can do it all alone, and if you are feeling overwhelmed and like it is too much, then let someone help you or take over for a while. It’s not a weakness to ask for help and the relief it will give you, will be well worth it.
4. Let small things slide. If the turkey isn’t perfect or if your brother makes fun of your new hairdo, just let it slide. It’s not worth the bad feelings and it will take away from what is good about the holidays, which is spending time with and enjoying the company of your friends and loved ones.
5. Lastly, Be present. This is the most important of them to me. Anything can happen at any time. You can’t always prepare for that. But what you can do is put your phone away, put your computer on sleep mode, and be present with your loved ones. Play a board game, tell tall tales, or watch your favorite holiday movie together. These moments never happen often enough so when they do, you’ll appreciate being present and enjoying all the beautiful moments they bring!

I would love to hear about how your holiday planning is going. Tell us about it on Facebook Twitter, or Instagram! #SignShine

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