Learn from Croatia’s President How to Capture Any Heart
While everyone watched the World Cup Soccer Championship Game on Sunday Morning 8 am PST; I was mesmerized by one incredible, outstanding woman, Croatia’s President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović. I don’t know much about her political views, or the way she runs her country, but one thing I know – Kolinda is passionate about connecting and communicating with people.
Mrs. Presidnet attended many of the world cup games in Russia and showed up to support her country’s team in many ways, but unlike other leaders, she was present! What touched me the most is her choice of attire to the championship game. Grabar-Kitarović chose Croatia’s red and white team jersey. I must say she wore it with a style and elegance, matching the sports shirt with white wide leg pants and red matching shoes. Confident, curious and helpful, reminded me of Dorothy in Wizzard of Oz.
As I was following Kolinda during the closing ceremony, her genuine support of each one of the team players, from both teams, was beyond admirable. Without saying much to the camera, and with 3.2 billion people from all over the world watching her, she said it all.
This is how The President of Croatia captured everyone’s eyes and hearts.
Her body langauge said one simple thing: ‘I care about YOU!’
• Eye Contact:
While they lined up to get their honorary winners medal, Kolinda made

sincere eye contact with each one of the players, After France president, Emmanuel Macron shook the hands of the players, it was her turn to congratulate the players. She took the time to pause as she looked deeply into their eyes, making the first deep connection we all need.
• A Genuine Hug:

There are many kinds of hugs. Especially when we hug people, we do not know. One hug can be a simple tap on the shoulder, while Kolinda’s hugs were close, firm and warm. Remember, she hugged more than two dozens of sweaty men after a vigorous ninety minutes long game. That didn’t seem to bother Kolinda, as her body language said one thing: “I am proud of you
Shine or Rain:
A few minutes into the trophy presentation ceremony it started to rain. Actually, it started to pour. That didn’t seem even slightly to irritate Kolinda. With a big smile and warm presence, she kept having one thing in front of her- celebrating and consoling the two teams. On the contrary of ‘Ladies First’ manner, the bodyguards covered Russia president Vladimir Putin and France president Emmanuel Macron with a big black big

umbrella. Kolinda’s hair was soaking wet, but she elegantly carried her beautiful, radiant smile and paid attention to each one of the players with much love and interest.
When is the last time you took the time to look deeply into someone’s eyes, give a hug, a real hug, and didn’t mind if it was the right moment for you? Try it this week, pay attention to how you connect with someone you love the most and follow those simple three steps. They will be surprised and touched beyond words can describe. Saying I care about you and I am proud of you starts with your body language.