Why Learn Baby Sign Language? Why SignShine?

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Hi there! I'm Etel Leit, founder of SignShine

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Why learn baby sign language?

It can be incredibly frustrating to guess what your child wants before they can speak. SignShine makes it possible for parents to understand and connect with their child in a fun and stimulating way. Through expert instructional videos in baby sign language, you no longer have to wonder what your child is trying to say.

SignShine has the answer

For 14 years, SignShine has assisted over 20 million families in breaking down communication barriers using Baby Sign Language. Through a unique series of videos, you can see how Baby Sign Language promotes speaking, literacy, and a healthy relationship between parents and children.

Our Focus is Communication

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What Baby Sign Language can do for you

We know how parents feel when they hear they baby crying but they don’t know what they want or need. SignShine teaches parents and children practical signs that help alleviate the frustrations of “not knowing.” It’s more than just about the signs, it’s about communication. Take the first step towards understanding your baby and see countless benefits

About SignShine

Established in 2005, SignShine is an innovative, dynamic, and creative center that specializes in family communication. SignShine supports the development of healthy minds and teaches people of all ages the skills needed to connect with one another through visual and meaningful interaction.
Dr. Etel Leit is the founder and owner of SignShine, a communication center for individuals and families, Etel is a communication advocate, motivational speaker, parenting consultant and author of “You are my SignShine.” Etel is a widely sought-out speaker at many conferences, workshops, and events across the world.

About Dr. Etel Leit

founder and owner of SignShine

what people say about SignShine?

Frequently Asked Questions

What is baby sign language ?

Baby sign language is a tool and means for children to convey what they want and need before physically being able to form spoken words.

What is the difference between baby sign language and American Sign Language ?

At SignShine, our curriculum for baby sign language is completely consistent with American Sign Language. A baby signing may not look exactly the same as an adult signing, so the only difference is what you expect and can interpret from your child.

What age should I start signing with my baby ?

Babies are often ready to sign when they can sit by themselves and point, but there is never a “too young” or “too old” to start.

Is it too late to start ?

Absolutely not, baby sign language is not only helpful before a baby can speak. Using baby sign language as an alternative means of communication reinforces and enhances their ability to speak.

How long will it take for my baby to sign back ?

Every child is different and there are a few phases children go through when learning to sign. The important thing is to stay consistent and recognize when your baby is attentive or starting to mimic you, the associations come after!

Check Out SignShine eCOURSE

Lesson 1:
Start Signing & Communicating

Lesson 2:
Colors, ABC & IQ

Lesson 3:
Food Signs & Healthy Eater

Lesson 4:
Bath, Body & Opposites

Lesson 5:
Diaper Change & Transition Time

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