Love is what Counts

When Love Wins

SignShine® is giving you a chance to share your love and win a $20 Amazon Card!! 

All you have to do is post a picture Signing “I LOVE YOU” (see picture as an example).

Must be an original picture!

Be creative! Cute! Silly! Funny!

Anyone can participate – you don’t have to be a parent to win! Share it with your friends.

To win:

  1. Like SignShine®’s Facebook and follow SignShine Instagram 
  2. Post the picture:  on Instagram AND on SignShine®’s Facebook with #SignShine @Signshine #love #babysignlanguage #baby #valentinesday 
  3. Make sure your picture has at least 3 likes (=hearts) on Instagram
  4. Maximum 3 entries (=pictures) per person. 
  5. Drawing on February 17, 2014.    

Let the Sign Shine & Love!

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