Mother’s Day and Love Languages

Mother’s Day gifts can be hard to find. You want them to be meaningful and show her how much you love and appreciate her, but the gifts that make them feel special may be different for everyone! We’ve put together a list of Mother’s Day gift ideas based on Mom’s love language

1. Words of Affirmation

You may not think that words of affirmation can be a Mother’s Day gift, but I’m here to tell you otherwise. These written or verbal affirmations can be so much more meaningful than the average Mother’s Day gift. Have your kids write letters (or dictate what they want you to write if they’re little) to mom of all the things they are thankful for and what they love about her! You can do the same! You could also write these things on Post-it notes and leave them around the house to find as she goes about her day. Having the love written down means mom can keep those lovely, personal gifts to read whenever she wants!

2. Acts of service

Acts of service does not mean you do things only when mom asks you to. It’s a Mother’s Day gift you may not think of, but I promise mama will love it! Take the time to do all the things she usually does or asks you to do, but do it before she asks! Go ahead and do the dishes, start the laundry, take the kids out, even make all the meals for the day! Start with breakfast in bed and see where the day takes you. Take her car to be washed, fill up her gas tank, organize her space for her! Help her take a real break and get set for the week! I promise it will be very appreciated.

Mother's Day gifts
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3. Physical touch

There’s a kids option and a partner option for this one. If mom’s love language is physical touch, tell the kids mom gets designated snuggle time during a movie that mom gets to pick! It gives them time to spend together (and releases oxytocin – a happy hormone) while watching something other than Frozen for the 99th time in a row. If you’re mom’s partner, give mom a massage! Providing a space for connection and relaxation will make mom feel appreciated and will likely appreciate you in return! Moms’ bodies go through so much. Take the time to show her how much you appreciate that sacrifice and help her feel better! Guaranteed to be a Mother’s Day gift she asks for next year.

4. Quality time

Quality time is a gift on any day, but since we’re looking for Mother’s Day gifts here are some tips. Let mom pick an activity she enjoys for the family to participate in, and participate purposefully. Put the phones away and spend purposeful time together. Life gets so busy that we sometimes end up going through life next to each other instead of with each other. If mom’s love language is quality time this is a great option for her Mother’s Day gift. It also helps plan what to do!

Mother's Day gifts
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5. Receiving gifts

You knew this one was coming. Mother’s Day gifts can still be actual gifts! Often when someone’s love language is receiving gifts, the value of the gift usually comes from the sentiment and not the price tag. Buy her a meal from her favorite restaurant, put together a photo book of her and the kids, upgrade something she already owns for a nicer version! Anything with meaning is guaranteed to be well received and make mom feel loved.

Find out your love languages here:

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