Baby Sign Language Master Course: 5 Full Lessons
Complete Master Program 5 classes with Etel Leit, ms
Tired of waiting to understand what your baby is trying to say? Exhausted from trying to guess what your hearing baby or toddler is trying to tell you? Break down that frustration barrier and connect with your child in a fun, educational, and nurturing way. Each class is geared towards enhancing your child’s cognitive development, verbal communication skills, and emotional intelligence. We utilize music, dancing, reading, baby sign language, and more fun and engaging activities to create a unique bonding experience for both you and your child.
>>Scroll all the way to the bottom of this page to learn about the incredible details and value of this package!<<
If you are looking to-
✔️ Promote language development
✔️ Stimulate your baby’s brain
✔️ Decrease moments of crying
✔️ Be amazed by your little one Bond with your baby, empower her to be smart, strong, and confident for the rest of her life.
5 Full classes of Baby Sign Language. Reduce your child’s frustration, enhance verbal communication, and stop crying episodes in just two weeks! Learn Baby Sign Language from your home. Start Now with Pediatric Communication Expert, Etel Leit. Each lesson filled with Signs, Songs Games & Parenting Tools.
*10 days satisfaction- money back guaranteed.

Lesson 1: Start Signing
- Benefit of signing
- Language and speech: How can you help your baby learn to talk?
- Brain’s training during signing
- How to start signing

Lesson 2: Colors, ABC & IQ
- How to Know When to Start Signing With Your Baby
- Three steps to help your child with separation anxiety
- All colors and colors activity
- Signing promotes higher IQ
- ASL and Finger Spelling
- ABC song
- Favorite ABC activity
- Parenting tool: Peek-a-boo and Separation Anxiety

Lesson 3: Foods Sign & Healthy Eater
- Foods
- Why Signing Foods Items
- Food Groups
- How to raise Healthy Eater
- Food Song
- Tantrums and offering options
- Bonus: Twinkle Star

Lesson 4: Bath, Body & Opposites
- THE 3 F Sign to Teach Your Child!
- Body Parts
- Bath Time Signs
- Teaching Synonyms
- Teaching Opposites
- Teaching Positioning
- Expression Pain & Hurt
- How to Teach Signing PAIN
- Bonus: Row Your Boat

Lesson 5: Diaper & Transition Time
- What do we remember the most?
- The 3 F Sign
- Dirty Business and Diaper Change
- Clean up song
- Song How to Change Diaper Easily?
- Diaper Change Toy
- Opposites
- Transition Time
- Your Child’s IQ With Signing
- How to Sign I LOVE YOU. • Parenting Tool
- Literacy Skills 101