President Day or Presidents’ Day?

2 Things You didn’t Know about Presidnet Day Weekend

Are you ready for a long, fun, relaxing President Day Weekend?

How are you going to spend this weekend? By finding what you love on a special President Day Sale?

Or are you just enjoying the three days weekend off with your family and friends?

Here is the sign for President in ALS American Sign language. 

The sign for President is singed with two hand-shaped letters: C and S.

Whatever you are doing, challenge yourself to learn something new, even if is one sign in sign language.

Did you know that in some states this holiday is called President Day, while in other Presidents’ Day?
A few states it mentions the president’s name: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, or Abraham Lincoln as his birthday is celebrated. 
Interesting! Don’t only follow your calendar, check what exactly your State is celebrating?