Why I love Super Bowl without Knowing Any Football Rules
Democrats and Republicans. Mac and PC. Meat lovers and Vegans… On Sunday, regardless of what side of the fence you’re on when it comes to these issues, you will be reunited by a common bond, the Super Bowl.
I have to admit, I (still) do not know the rules of football, but guess what – I do love, love this weekend! I was born in Israel, Jerusalem. Like many European and South American countries, we play soccer. I grew up not even knowing what football is all about. But still, I enjoy this Sunday Super Bowl as much as a fun holiday.  Why?
- It is all about friends and family. Traditions and celebrations are always a good excuse to bring family and friends together. The preparation, the excitement, the food (and the drinks). Â It is a social fun event, in which people truly come to enjoy their time together, at any age. Â Little hint, just try not to talk about politics this year, and concentrate on having a ball!
- Hallmark out the door. Like other holidays, there is no real hallmark pressure. No need to purchase cards, no need to get presents or gifts, and any fun, easy to make and toss food is just perfect. For the people who do not even like to cook, gathering in a fun place is as fun and entertaining. Yay, no need to shop for ingredients , cook for hours and prepare? I am all in!
- It’s all about the Music! As a music lover, how can you not like the opening ceremony and the half time performances? Every year, you think you’ve seen it all, and it is more magical, and more creative than ever!  More fireworks. More excitement. More music.
- Body Language. Yes, bodies + Language. Not even knowing the rules of this manly, powerful game, I love watching the visual cues and directions the players give to each other, without even saying one word! Sign language at its peak.
Enjoy Super Bowl weekend, from any reason you do. Cheer, sing, meet with friends and just have a ball! Â
“The Super Bowl is a kind of corporate Woodstock”.
~Michael Ruby, Inside Sports, 1981