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Fatherhood is Beyond Biology

With Father’s Day just around the bend, let’s explore the various roles, good and bad, fathers can play in our lives. What does Father’s Day mean to you? For some, it’s a day of celebration and gratitude, filled with backyard barbeques and dad jokes galore. But for others, it can also be a day tinged with pain, loss, or other complicated feelings. The truth is

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The Research is in: Babies NEED to Baby Sign

Sign language is vital for your child’s initial development, and a whole mountain of research backs that up. You know what’s tough? Being a mom. It’s a long journey filled with lots of joy, but also its unique ups and downs. At the end of the day though, you just want to give your child the tools to succeed in whatever they want to down

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mom and child signing with Expert Dr. Etel Leit

When to Start Baby Sign Language: Tips for Parents

Using Baby Sign Language with children can be a great way to enhance communication and language development. But when is the best time to start using baby sign language with your child? 5 Tips for Starting Baby Sign Language: 1. Start Early   The earlier you start using baby sign language with your child, the better. Some parents may wait until their child is 6 months old, but starting

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Communication games for toddlers

Best Communication Games for Toddlers

Communication games for toddlers are a fun and interesting way to help your child learn language skills! Oftentimes we believe that learning happens at school, but we forget how much of a difference we can make at home. Playing communication games for toddlers can help your child develop all kinds of skills. Just a reminder that communication is not only about their ability to speak,

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