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Babies Using Sign Language? My Interview on Parents Magazine Reveals Why You Shouldn’t Be Surprised

This viral video does an amazing job in spreading awareness of the importance of sign language in all communities. Just in case you missed it, I was quoted in Parents, one of the largest family and parenting magazines, about a reel that blasted off last week. Twenty-seven-year-old Mara McCullough shared a now viral video of her young baby daughter, Jane, communicating with her deaf grandparents

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The Research is in: Babies NEED to Baby Sign

Sign language is vital for your child’s initial development, and a whole mountain of research backs that up. You know what’s tough? Being a mom. It’s a long journey filled with lots of joy, but also its unique ups and downs. At the end of the day though, you just want to give your child the tools to succeed in whatever they want to down

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mom and child signing with Expert Dr. Etel Leit

When to Start Baby Sign Language: Tips for Parents

Using Baby Sign Language with children can be a great way to enhance communication and language development. But when is the best time to start using baby sign language with your child? 5 Tips for Starting Baby Sign Language: 1. Start Early   The earlier you start using baby sign language with your child, the better. Some parents may wait until their child is 6 months old, but starting

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Children's Language Skills

How Children’s Language Skills Develop

Most children’s language skills are developed between the ages of 0 and 3! Would you believe me if I told you that 90% of your brain was fully formed by age 5? It’s true! Those early years are critical to developing children’s skills and abilities; one of the most important being language.  How the brain works As humans, we go through “critical periods” in development

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Growing Awareness of Sign Language

Uber is Partnering with Communication Service for the Deaf Ubering and Lyfting is not only a trend by now, but it is a great tool for many. Everyone around the world is constantly on the go and using Uber as a quick and cheap transportation alternative. Do you? Most of us communicate with our Uber drivers with ease, verbally. However, have you ever drive with

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Uber is Partnering with Communication Service for the Deaf

Growing Awareness of Sign Language Uber is Partnering with the Communication Service for the Deaf Ubering and Lyfting is not only a trend by now, but it is a great tool for many. Everyone around the world is constantly on the go and using Uber as a quick and cheap transportation alternative. Do you? Most of us communicate with our Uber drivers with ease, verbally.

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