The Daddy of Them All

Dads are involved too

Are you a new dad looking for a class where you can learn parenting tips while creating bonding moments with your child? If so, then you have probably experienced the same speed bumps as Yanir Dekel from Daddy Squared. Dekel wanted to find a parenting class, but all the classes he was recommended seemed to have been solely geared towards moms. They were on the topics of post-partum, birth, etc.… Until he found SignShine!

What about daddies?

SignShine is not simply for moms, nor is it a regular mommy and me class. Rather than focusing on just mommies or just children, our program gives parents the tools to understand their loved ones at a remarkably early age while delegating meaningful time for play. Most notably, we employ baby sign language as a teaching method. If you haven’t yet heard about the numerous benefits of signing with your baby before finding SignShine, you are in for an unbelievable surprise. But if you have heard of it and just haven’t been able to find the right class, you have come to the right spot!

In researching a class for baby sign language, Dekel says: “I found her and her reviews were insane! She had an app online and a few other things that I checked out and I loved it. So, I took her class… and then I took her second class… privates with her in her house… and then did it again when all the babies came.”

Join the Family, Join the Fun

Dekel’s story is a common one at SignShine. Many parents find us while they are pregnant, take our classes with their firstborns & then rejoin with their next babies! This is because, at SignShine, we are building a family. Our classes are made up of more than just moms… But daddies, grandparents, single moms, single dads, & nannies too! All are interested in enhancing their loved ones’ cognitive, physical, emotional, and social development.

With the safe space that we provide to feel comfortable and learn the science behind babies’ growth, parents and guardians alike will benefit and make new friends. This class is for everyone, and your journey begins now!