The Power of Choice

Mean what you Say & Say what you Mean.

In this day and age, of multi-tasking and instant gratification, we want it, and we want it now. We’ll pluck it from the ‘cloud,’ floating above us in the digital sky, like a rancher would an orange from a tree, right to our tablet, smartphone, or TV.

This streamlining effect has permeated to our daily communication as well. So often, we choose to use abbreviations, over-used & forced acronyms, and hypenathed nonsense, rather than embracing all the intricacies of the written, spoken, and signed word. We dilute our wonderfully complex language to phrases like IMHO, LOL, OMG, instead of taking time to appreciate the specific arrangement of words, and the POWER OF CHOICE.

When you give more THOUGHT to your CHOSEN WORDS, you give them more POWER. Furthermore, when these words are signed simultaneously with the spoken word, they are visually reinforced and the cognitive connection becomes greater still.

Most pupils excel in the VISUAL REALM. It is often the most effective method of learning. Signing words with your children fortifies their abilties to interact with others, makes them more alert of their surroundings, and helps them establish societal parameters and trust.

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