Put the Power of Language into your hands.
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You can FINALLY understand your crying baby before they learn to speak
Ease the Frustration with Dr. Etel Leit’s Exclusive Baby Sign Language with SignShine.
You know that feeling when your baby is crying, and you just cannot understand? You are frustrated, your baby is crying, and no one is happy.
Then, the guessing game starts: is he hungry? Is she tired? Maybe he has a wet diaper? Or she wants to be held?
The crying continues, the frustration increases, and everyone is tired!
We are here to help you! By learning 10 simple baby signs, you can start creating more understanding, meaningful conversations, healthy bonding, and incredible moments of easy communication.
Understanding What Your Hearing Baby Wants Has Never Been Easier
Dr. Etel Leit, a world-renowned human communication advocate, speaker and an author will teach you how to understand your baby’s cry. You will learn how to understand your hearing baby, or toddler. It is an easy, fast, and research-based program that many enjoyed and use. Start your real life-changing experience with Baby Sign Language and enhance your relationship with your child now!

No ‘guessing game’. Your baby can tell you if she is hungry, has wet diaper, scared of noise, tired or even sick.

Less Crying
Your child will tell you exactly what she wants without frustration and crying.

Literacy Skills
Your baby will start reading and writing skills in an early age.

Higher IQ
Research shows that children who sign have 12 higher IQ points than children who do not sign.

Speak Faster
Research found that children who is speak faster than children who do not sign.

Less “Terrible Twos”
Your toddler will express his needs and emotions easily.

About me
Dr. Etel Leit
Dr. Etel Leit is a pediatric communication expert, author, and speaker. In addition to being the Founder SignShine, a communication center for individuals and families, Dr. Leit is a communication advocate, and the author of “You are my SignShine” and “Where is Water?”, and “UnAddcited to You’
Etel is a professor, and a widely sought-out speaker at conferences, and podcasts across the world.

Baby Sign Language Master Course: 5 Full Lessons
Complete Master Program 5 classes with Dr. Etel Leit
Tired of waiting to understand what your baby is trying to say? Exhausted from trying to guess what your hearing baby or toddler is trying to tell you? Break down that frustration barrier and connect with your child in a fun, educational, and nurturing way. Each class is geared towards enhancing your child’s cognitive development, verbal communication skills, and emotional intelligence. We utilize music, dancing, reading, baby sign language, and more fun and engaging activities to create a unique bonding experience for both you and your child.
Services We Offer

The Ultimate EDUCATORS Trademarked SignShine Program


Studio Classes
Each class is geared towards enhancing your child’s cognitive development, verbal communication skills, and emotional intelligence and sleep training.