The Research is in: Babies NEED to Baby Sign

Sign language is vital for your child’s initial development, and a whole mountain of research backs that up.

You know what’s tough? Being a mom. It’s a long journey filled with lots of joy, but also its unique ups and downs. At the end of the day though, you just want to give your child the tools to succeed in whatever they want to down the road. Let me explain to you why sign language is the KEY to that success! Backed by scientific studies and investigation, sign language brings a whole host of benefits that can’t be ignored. Just in case you’ve been on my site before and haven’t noticed yet.

Signing Your Way to Success

Here’s what the experts have to say on baby sign language:

Easier Communication: Babies who have been taught sign language develop the ability to express their needs and thoughts more proactively. This reduces frustrations and tantrums for the child since they’re able to communicate better with their moms and dads. It makes the job easier for all the parents out there!

Boosting Cognitive Development: Dr. Goodwyn and Acredolo, both leaders in the field, have found out that babies who are encouraged to sign early on experience substantial growth in their cognitive development and IQ. On average, those who signed had IQs that were 12 points higher than those who didn’t. Pretty big gap!

It Brings You Closer: Dr. Marilyn Daniels highlights that sign language can strengthen the emotional bonds between parents and babies. Taking the time to learn and use signs together fosters a deeper and stronger connection between family. Babies trust their parents more with their needs, and parents become more attuned to what their baby is trying to communicate.

The Key to Reading and Language: Signing helps a ton with advanced language skills later on. It trains a baby to recognize and mimic movements and sounds, which helps speed up their acquisitions of reading, speaking and language. So when they do start, they’ll by miles ahead of the rest.

Why Wait? Start Now!

Pick up a book or sign up for a class ASAP, because the sooner you do, the better! Baby sign language isn’t magical though, here are some things you need to keep in mind for successful learning.

Be Consistent: Repetition will help your baby get used to signing faster. Consistency is key!

It’s Not a Race: Be patient, because every child learns at their own pace. Celebrate the small victories along the way.

Make it Fun: Learning should always be fun and enjoyable for the both of you. Incorporate signs into your playtime while also using books, toys, and apps to keep your baby entertained.

Baby sign language is more than just gestures; it’s a gateway to early communication and connection. Give your child a head start in life while also strengthening your relationship and emotional bond.

Happy Signing!